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As part of the nondisclosure and confidentiality agreement, the companies and names are not disclosed.

Between the company \\\" A \\\" and \\\" B \\\" was signed a contract for the supply of fuel and lubricants. Company A has fulfilled its obligations properly and within the time period specified in the contract. Company \\\" B \\\" received the cost of fuel and lubricants did not make the payment within the time specified in the contract, moreover, refused to pay for the delivery, citing the fact that, they say:\\\"the product does not meet quality standards.\\\" At the same time, the company announced the absence of funds and tangible assets of the company, therefore, it is not possible to recover through the court the cost of the supply of fuel and lubricants.

Company \\\" A \\\" applied to LSP & Associates to protect the interests of the supplier, given that the lawsuit for non-payment was returned to the Plaintiff without consideration due to the statute of limitations. (Company A has not collected the amount for more than 3 years). But, despite this, the company LSP & Associates was able to achieve the result: it defended the interests of the supplier and secured compensation by the defendant for all penalties and payments. Also, the forced bankruptcy of company \\\"B\\\" was carried out and subsidiary liability was imposed on the founder for deliberate bankruptcy with the initiation of a criminal case.

With the help of our company, this case was considered in three instances, the end point of which was set by the Supreme Court, we connected more than 3 independent organizations and laboratories to the case to identify the facts and a fair result. In particular, the authorized bodies of state revenue and customs control were involved. As a result, more than 400,000 USD was recovered.


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