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A residence permit is a status fora foreign citizen
or a stateless person, which gives the right to permanentlyreside in the
Russian Federation for five years,and to leave and enter its territory without
hindrance. It is issued as a separate document and is an identitycard of a
foreign citizen or a stateless person. You can get a residence permit for a
period of five years, and at the end of its validity, it can be extended an
unlimited number of times.
Obtaining a residence permit in Russia For one
category of citizens, obtaining a residence permit in Russia is another gatewayto
acquiring the coveted citizenship of the Russian Federation. For another
category of people, this is a good reason to forget whatlong queues are at the
territorial offices of the Federal migration service, which you need to survive
in order to get into the coveted quota and geta work permit. In other words, a
foreign citizen who has obtaineda residence permit in Russia can carry out
labor activity throughout the entire territory of theRussian Federation in any
of its subjects without a corresponding work permitения для осуществления
трудовой . Other bright aspects of this status should also be noted, such as
receiving pensionbenefits in Russia and the right to freely choose your place
of residence without prior approval from Федеthe Federal Executive. However,
any white side is always there , and the other the dark side. If you compare a
residence permit, or rather its receipt, with other statuses in the Russian
Federation:In Russia, it will become obvious that obtaininga residence permit
is the most difficult "acquisition". If you do nothave a residence
permit in the Russian Federation as of July 1, 2002, or you are not a citizen
of the Republicof Belarus, then you will be able to obtain a residence permit
in Russia only afteryou receivea temporary residence permit. It is this
condition that the legislator has defined as a mandatory basis. But it is not
enough to get temporary residence, you must live on it for at least one year on
the territory of the Russian Federation. So, in order to get a residence
permit, the first step is to get a temporary residence permit, andthen after
the temporary residence is one year old, youwill be able to apply for a
residence permit.
As we said earlier, the residence permit for
citizens of the Republic of Belarus has now been significantly simplified.The
only and important reason for acquiring его приобретении является принадлежностit
is belonging to the citizenship of Belarus. It is worth noting that
applications for a residence permit from this category of persons are
considered first and inthe shortest possible time. It is important to know that
a residence permit for todayis not burdened with any quotas and is issued
without taking it into account. If anyof You are planning to link your plans
with Belarus in the foreseeable future, then keep in mind that the citizens of
the Russian Federation, in turn, also havethe opportunity to enjoy the same privileges
as our neighbors.
Documents for obtaining a residence permit
- photos 3. 5x4. 5 cm
- a standard application form
- an identity document of the applicant
- temporary residence permit
- a document that confirms the foreign citizen's availability
of funds that will be able to provide for his / her and family members '
accommodation in the Russian Federation.Of the Russian Federation not less than
the subsistence minimum
- a document confirming the right to use the
residential premises free of charge for further residence in it
- a certificate confirming that a foreign citizen
does not have HIV infection; a medical certificateconfirming that a foreign
citizen does not have infectious diseases that pose a danger to others.
A foreign citizen or stateless person who has
obtained a residence permit is requiredto annually confirm their residence in
the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation and provide information about
your presence outside its borders. It is worth noting the most common conditions
in law enforcement practice that can serve as a basis for cancellation or refusal
to issue it.:
- Providing false documents or false information
- Lack of ability to support yourself and your
family members within the subsistence level
- Stay outside of Russia for more than 6 months
A very important point that Federal inspectors so
often forget to mention to the applicant is the mandatoryconfirmation of their residence
under a residence permit in Russia. Therefore, you do not need to relax at the sight
of the cherished book and it is worthnoting that every year you are expected in
the territorial Department witha detailed report on where and how many times you
went. And do not forget to submit a documentthat actually confirms the
availability of funds Thatwill cover all the expenses of your household at a
level not lower than the subsistence level for the next year and the past year.
Separate section Temporary residence in the Russian
A temporary residence permit for a foreign citizen
may be issued in the form of a mastic seal of the establishedpattern in the
document that certifies the applicant's identity.A stateless person who does
not have an identity document will beissued temporary residence in the form of
a separate document, the form of which is established by the legislator.
Temporary accommodation based on the quota
The Federal Executive authority grants temporary
residence to a foreign citizen or stateless personfor a period of three years.
The procedure and conditions for obtaining temporary residence, as well as the
list of necessary documents, are established by Decreeof the Government of the
Russian Federation No. 789. Every year, the Government of the Russian
Federation approves quotas for the category of persons who do not have legal grounds
to obtain temporary residencestatus in Russia.
Let us immediately clarify that obtaining Russian
citizenship does not imply any quotas. No matter how told us that ifthe amount
of quotas is allocated taking into account the demographic situation in each of
the subjects Russia, but for anybody not a secret that to date, neither ofDean's
normative - legal act reglementary the procedure of issuance of these quotas
permit for temporary residence and, therefore, an exaggeration to affirm that the
process of obtaining quotes is to bollsei extent, luck factor and to a lesser
extent Zukohas gained. Getting a quota for временное permanent residence in
practice is the most vulnerable place for citizens and, perhaps, the most tasty
morsel for scammers, because, in desperation, manyare ready to shell out tens of
thousands of rubles to those who are guaranteedto get into this cherished quota
for seemingly absolutely legalactivities. It is not necessary to have a higher
legal education to understandthat this method of obtaining a temporary
residence permit is, to put it mildly, illegal.
In order to get a quota for a PRT, you must submit a
monthly application of the established sample to the Federalmigration service
office. It is not for nothing that we have indicated that it is required to
submit itevery month, because You can apply until you are included in the list
of those who have received a quota, or until thewell-trodden path to management
becomes too annoying.
Temporary residence without quota
A foreign citizen has all the chances to get a
temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota, if heor she,
in turn, has grounds for doing so. Let us give an example of some common
grounds in law enforcement practice on which anapplicant can obtain temporary
residence status without taking into accountquotas: birth in the territory of
the RSFSR, marriage to a Russian citizen, and the presence of a child who is a
citizenof the Russian Federation. You can get acquainted with all the
conditions for obtaining temporaryresidence by reading the law "on the
legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation".
There are two deadlines for considering an
application for temporary residence of foreign citizens, which depend on the territorial
affiliation of the applicant. Strictly speaking, the country from which the
foreign citizen arrived is important. If you have arrived in theRussian
Federation from a visa-free country, the period of consideration ofa temporary
residence permit may not exceed sixty days from the date of admissionall
documents and up to six months for the category of persons who arrived in
Russia from a visa-free country.
It is important to note that an application for
temporary residence is submitted by a foreign citizen in person at the place of
his intended residence, because his signature will be certified in his presenceby
an inspector of the Executive body, respectively, all proposals to submita
package of documents for temporary residence for the applicant, or even worse,
instead of him, are a violation of Aperson who has obtained the status of
temporary resident cannot independently changethe IFRS of his / her residence,
in other words,he / she can only work and live in the subject of the Russian
Federation where he / she is allowed to reside. Received status unlike a
residence permit, not exempt the foreignsecurity of the citizen from obtaining
a permitnie to work, and it is important to remember that in the last two
months, alternately, the year he is obliged to confirm their permission for
temporary residence of foreign citizens form no. 21 and attaching thereto a
document which confirms nAlicia of funds, allowing to contain itself and
members of his family at the level not below the subsistence level of the subject,
in which he is allowed to temporarily reside.